ART. 22.] HAGERSTOWN. 1985
specifications for, and careful estimates of the cost of furnishing
said Hagerstown with water works.
1880, ch. 457.
217. They are directed to publish in succinct form in the
newspapers of Hagerstown, the results of such surveys, plans and
estimates of cost; and they are empowered to order an election to
be held at such time as they shall designate, after the same notice
and in the same manner as corporate elections of said town are
now held, to take the sense of the people in respect to water
works for said town; and at such election the qualified voters
then residing within the corporate limits of said town are author-
ized to cast a ballot "for the contract for water works," or a
ballot " against the contract for water works," and the result of
such election shall be certified in the manner of certifying corpo-
rate elections to the mayor and council of said town; and if the
majority of the votes cast be " for the contract for water works,"
the said mayor and council shall be forthwith empowered and
authorized to carry out and give effect to the terms and provisions
of this section in respect to a contract with a joint stock water
company as hereinbefore provided.
1880, ch. 133.
218. It shall not be lawful for the owners or lessees of any,
public hall, church, school or place of amusement, in the cities of
Hagerstown, Baltimore, Cumberland, Frederick, Annapolis or
Frostburg, to obstruct, or to allow to be obstructed by others,
any of the aisles or passageways in the auditorium of said halls,
churches, schools or places of amusement, by placing therein any
benches, chairs or stools, or other articles that may prevent free
ingress or egress during the hours that said places may be open
to the public.
219. Said owners or lessees, or their agents, are required to
keep open, at all hours during the time said halls, churches,
schools or places of amusement, are open to the public, all doors
giving means of ingress or egress, unless said doors open outward
from said places, then the same may be closed, but no hindrance,
such as lock or catches of any kind, shall be allowed to obstruct
or prevent instant and easy egress through the same; and when