ART. 22.] HAGERSTOWN. 1963
councilmen of said town in their numerical order; upon the
failure of the mayor or any of the councilmen to perform the
duties imposed by this section, the person so refusing shall be
subject to indictment in the circuit court for said county, and to
a fine of fifty dollars, to be recovered upon conviction thereof.
E. The said judges shall be conservators of the peace during the
continuance of the election, and until the ballots shall be counted,
and the necessary certificates required by law shall be made out
by judges and clerks; and shall be vested with power and au-
thority to commit offenders for any breach of the peace in like
manner as now vested in justices of the peace, and shall have
authority to administer oaths or affirmations to any person touch-
ing his qualifications as a voter. F. The said judges shall ap-
point two citizens, qualified voters of said town, to act as clerks
of election, one of whom shall be of a different political party
from the other; before proceeding to act they shall take this
oath, to be administered by one of the judges: "We will well
and faithfully keep a true record of all the voters whose ballots
are received, for councilmen of Hagerstown or mayor and coun-
cilmen of Hagerstown, at the election to be held on the —— day
of March, in the year ——, according to the respective wards in,
which said ballots are cast, to the best of our ability." G. A.
box shall be kept, with separate compartments, corresponding in
number with the numbers of the wards in the voting districts,
for the purpose of keeping separate the ballots of the voters of
each ward, and the ballots received shall be deposited in the
respective compartments in the said box corresponding with the
voter's residence, and the names of the voters shall be written
down in a list according to the wards in which they are respec-
tively entitled to vote. H. The polls shall be kept open from
six o'clock A. M. until six o'clock P. M.
1886, ch 409.
162. At the close of the polls the judges shall immediately
count the ballots, cast up the vote, and return under their hands,
and seals to the clerk of the circuit court for Washington county
the number of votes cast for each candidate, and return the per-
sons receiving the highest number of votes as duly elected; and
they shall return at the same time the ballots that were cast for
the candidates and all records of said election; and the said clerk,