said county commissioners may require him to do so, present to
them for their inspection an exact account of all his receipts and
expenditures, and a true and full exhibit of all moneys that have
come into his hands, and when and from whom, and for what
purpose received, and shall perform such other duties as the
county commissioners may require, and pertaining to said office
of treasurer; and such treasurer shall receive, as full compensa-
tion for all services and duties required of and performed by him,
such sum of money, not exceeding in the whole for any one year
the amount of one thousand dollars, as the county commissioners
may fix and allow, and payable as they may direct; and at the
end or expiration of his term of office, such treasurer shall imme-
diately transfer and deliver to his successor in office, all books,
accounts, vouchers, papers of every kind relating to the duties of
or connected with his office, and pay over all moneys received for
said county that may then "be in his custody, charge or control,
belonging to said county, to such successor, or as the county
commissioners may direct.
1872. ch. 94.
42. If the county commissioners shall deem it conducive to
the public interest to appoint a collector for each election district
of said county, or several collectors, each collector for one or
more of said districts, it shall be the duty of the several collectors
of taxes so appointed, before entering upon the discharge of their
duties, to give bond, conditioned for the faithful performance
thereof, in such penalty and with such sureties as the county
commissioners shall prescribe, and to pay over, under oath, to the
treasurer of Allegany county, on the first Tuesday of the next
month after the said taxes are placed in their hands for collec-
tion, and on the first Tuesday in each and every month there-
after, and oftener if required by the county commissioners, the
amount collected by them for said county, until the collections
are completed; and on failure to make such monthly or other
payments, each delinquent collector may be removed from office
by the county commissioners, and another appointed in his stead;
and at the end of the time allowed for the collections aforesaid
by said collectors, they, and each of them, shall make to the