ART. 20.] ALMSHOUSE. 1773
said farm shall be insufficient for the maintenance of the inmates
of said almshouse, the county commissioners shall annually levy
such sum in addition thereto as shall be necessary.
P. L. L.,-(1860,) art 19, sec. IB.
18. All meetings of the said trustees shall be at the almshouse.
Ibid. sec. J6.
19. Under the penalty of fifty dollars each, they shall annually
make out and render to the county commissioners at their first
meeting in the month of April a statement of their accounts, with
the general condition of the farm, the number of persons in their
employ, and the compensation of each, the amount of produce
and expenditures, the probable surplus, the deficiency after pay-
ment of expenses, the number of inmates, the number capable of
labor for the ensuing year, and their general condition, which
accounts shall be settled by the county commissioners before
making a new appointment of trustees.
Ibid. sec. 17.
20. No trustee shall be directly or indirectly concerned in
furnishing any article for the use of the almshouse, under the
penalty of five hundred dollars, to be recovered by suit in the
circuit court for said county in the name of the State, one-half to
the use of the informer and the other half for the use of the
Ibid. sec. 21.
21. Upon complaint made to any justice of the peace for said
county that any person from his disorderly conduct gives disturb-
ance to a neighborhood and is likely to become chargeable to the.
county, the said justice, if upon hearing the party he shall judge
the complaint to be well founded, may commit such disorderly
person to the almshouse for any time not exceeding three months,
unless he shall find security, at the discretion of the justice, in
any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, for his good behavior during
the space of six months.
Ibid. sec. 22.
22. Upon complaint and due proof made to any trustee that.
any person in the said almshouse has behaved in a disorderly