said county, any guanos or manufactured concentrated manures,
including ground bones, on credit, it shall be lawful for such pur-
chaser of any of said manures to pledge to the person from whom
they are purchased, as security for the price of said manures, with,
interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum until paid, all the
crops which may be made or gathered, or such portion thereof as
may be designated in their agreement, for the making of which
said manures may have been purchased; and such pledge when
entered into as hereinafter required, shall be a preferred lien on.
such crops, and to be paid out of the proceeds thereof before all.
judgments, executions or other claims whatever against said pur-
chaser, except for rent, as hereinafter provided for.
1870, ch. 356.
39. The vendor of any of said manures shall make out an
account of the sales thereof made by him to any purchaser, to
which such purctiaser shall add the pledge aforesaid, in writing,
and signed by said purchaser, and which shall be recorded in the
office of the clerk of the circuit court for St. Mary's county, and
such recording thereof for which the clerk shall receive the usual
fee, shall be sufficient notice to all persons of the preferred claim
of such vendor; provided, in case of the death of the purchaser,
the claim of said vendor shall be submitted to and passed by the
orphans' court of the county in which the purchaser shall have
been a resident, upon which the executor or administrator shall
be bound to pay to said vendor, the proceeds of the sale of the
crops aforesaid, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy
the claim of said vendor.
40. Any sheriff or constable may levy execution on any of the;
crops so as aforesaid pledged, but shall pay to the pledgee or his
agent, out of any sales thereof which shall be made by said
sheriff or constable, and before any other application of the pro-
ceeds of such sales, the amount for which the crops levied upon
shall be pledged, or the amount that may be unpaid thereon; and
for failure so to do, the bond of such sheriff or constable shall be
responsible to the party to whom said crops shall be pledged.