of the circuit court, and at every March term thereafter lay the
report, presentment and proceedings had thereon at the preceding
September term, before the grand jury of said March term; and
said grand jury shall thoroughly examine and maturely consider
the same, and make to the court, during its session, a presentment
of their views and opinions as required in all particulars of the
grand jury of the September term, which presentment, and any
recommendations accompanying it, and order of the conrt, if any,
shall be filed with the clerk of the county for future reference
and inspection.
1883, ch. 250.
30. The county commissioners are empowered and directed to
cause an insurance against fire to be effected on the public build-
ings of the county, in some good and reliable company, prefer-
ence being given to the Montgomery county mutual fire insurance
1888, ch. 511.
31. They are authorized and, directed, at the first meeting
after their election and qualification, to elect, by a majority vote,
one of their members to act as treasurer, who shall serve until,
his successor is elected and qualified.
32. The said treasurer shall receive and be responsible for all'
monies which shall be paid to the said county commissioners, and
shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditures, and before
he acts as such he shall give bond to the State of Maryland in the
penalty of three thousand dollars, with surety to be approved by
the orphans' court, with condition that he shall well and faith-
fully execute his office, and shall account to the county commis-
sioners of St. Mary's county, and pay upon their orders the sev-
eral sums of money which he shall from time to time receive
from the county commissioners, at such times as the said commis-
sioners shall require.
33. They shall also require their clerk to give bond in the sum
of two thousand dollars, with security to be approved by them,
for the true and faithful performance of the duties of his office
during the term for which he shall be appointed.