1888, ch. 133.
431. It shall be lawful for the owner of any stallion in Fred-
erick county to contract, in writing, with the owner of any mare
who may desire such mare to be served by such stallion, that the
owner of such stallion shall have a lien for the service money
upon the progeny of such stallion by such mare; and if the
owner of such stallion shall cause such contract to be recorded in
the office of the clerk of the circuit court for Frederick county
within six months after such service, such owner of such stallion
shall have a lien upon such progeny for one year from the date
of foaling; provided, however, that the provisions of this sub-title
of this article shall not be construed to extend beyond the limits
of Frederick county.
432. If said service money shall not be paid, it shall be law-
ful for the owner of said stallion, alter the correctness of his
claim is sworn to before some one justice of the peace of the
State, and upon producing a certified copy of said con-
tract, to obtain an order from any justice of the peace of
Frederick county to seize the progeny of said stallion, and after
giving at least two weeks' notice of the time, place and manner
of sale, in some one or more of the leading weekly newspapers
published in Frederick county, he shall sell the same at public
sale, for cash, at some public place in said county.
433. After the expenses attending such sale and the amount
of the lien upon said progeny has been satisfied, the balance, if
any, shall be paid the original owner of such property sold.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 11, sec. 36.
434. In all cases removed from any circuit court to the circuit
court for Frederick county, and tried, the county commissioners
for said county may allow to the State's attorney for said county,
in addition to the sum allowed by law, such compensation, not
exceeding the sum of thirty dollars for any one case, as they may