thereof shall be fined a sum not less than twenty, nor more than
fifty dollars, in the discretion of the court, for the first offense,
and if convicted a second time for a violation of this section, the
person so offending shall be fined a sum not less than fifty,
nor more than five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned for not
less than ten, nor more than thirty days, in the discretion of the
court, and his license, if any were issued, shall be declared null
and void by said court, and it shall not be lawful for such person
to obtain another license for the period of twelve months from
the time of such conviction, nor shall a license be obtained by
any other person to carry on said business on the premises or
elsewhere, if the person so as aforesaid convicted has any
interest whatever therein, or shall derive any profit whatever
therefrom; and in case of being convicted more than twice for
a violation of this section, such person on each occasion shall
be imprisoned for not less than thirty or more than sixty
days, and fined a sum not less than double that imposed on such
person on last preceding conviction, and, his license, if any were
issued, shall be declared null and void by the court, and no
new license shall be issued to such person for a period of
two years from the time of such conviction, nor to any one
else to carry on said business wherein he is in anywise inter-
ested as before provided for the second violation of the pro-
vision of this section; one-half of all the fines to be imposed
under this section shall be paid to the State, and the other half to
the informer. This section is not to apply to milk or ice dealers
supplying their customers, or to apothecaries when putting up
bona fide prescriptions.
1886, ch. 883.
53. It shall not be lawful for the keeper of any hotel, tavern,
store, drinking establishment, or any other place where liquors
are sold, or for any person in said city, directly or indi-
rectly, to sell, barter, give or dispose of any spirituous or
fermented liquors, ale or beer, or intoxicating drinks of any kind,
on the day of any election in said city.
54. Any person violating the provisions of the preceding
section shall be liable to indictment, and upon conviction shall