ART. 10.] ROADS. 1065
1878, ch. 477.
273. The supervisor may, as often as necessary, take and
remove any stone, gravel or earth which may be found on any
lands adjoining the public roads and use the same in repairing
roads; and may cut down any trees growing on any lands next
adjacent to places where bridges may be necessary, and apply the
came to the making or repairing of such bridges or causeways;
provided, that when private property is used for making or
repairing bridges or roads, the owner shall be paid by the county
commissioners the customary price for such timber, plank, earth
or other materials.
274. The supervisors may hire and employ carts and teams for
carrying and removing all such stones, dirt, gravel and timber as
may be deemed necessary for repairing roads and bridges, and the
cost of such carts and teams shall be levied upon the county.
275. The supervisor shall perform all the duties required of
him in repairing the roads, and use all the means at his command
to place said public roads in the best possible condition for the
convenience of travelers and persons passing over them with
teams, before the first day of September in each and every year;
and after that date he shall keep the bridges repaired and holes
filled up; and for each day of actual manual labor of the supervisor
on the roads or in repairing said bridges, not to exceed ten days in
a year, he shall receive for compensation one dollar.
276. All bridges properly built or repaired, which shall be
broken down by timber carts or wagons heavily loaded, or by
carts, shall immediately be substantially repaired by the owner of
said carts or wagons; and if said owner neglects or refuses to
repair such bridges he shall be responsible to any individual for
all damages sustained by him by reason of the broken bridge, and
for all costs which the road supervisor may expend in repairing
them, to be collected before a justice of the peace as small
debts are collected.