paratory to presenting the same to the governor for his approval;
every bill, when passed by the general assembly, shall be returned
to the house in which the same originated, and shall, as soon there-
after as practicable, be sealed with the great seal, by the secretary
of the senate or chief clerk of the house of delegates, as the case
may be, and presented to the governor for his approval; and, in
his presence, such clerical officer having custody of the samo shall
make on the back of every such bill, a memorandum in writing
of the day and hour when the same was presented to the governor
for his approval; and such officer so presenting the same shall
sign his name to such memorandum, and shall make a corres-
ponding entry upon the journal of the house in which the same
originated; in case of the sickness or necessary absence of the
governor from the seat of government of the State, during the
session of the general assembly, it shall be lawful for the gov-
ernor to designate some person or persons to act for him in
receiving bills presented for his approval; which designation
shall be in writing addressed to the presiding officers of the two
Louses of the general assembly, respectively, and the same, when
so received, shall be entered at length upon the journal of each
house; all bills passed by the general assembly, and sealed with
the great sea], which shall be presented as aforesaid to the person
or persons so designated by the governor, and during the period
for which he or they were so designated, shall be held and con-
sidered as presented to the governor for his approval within the
meaning of the constitution of the State.
Hamilton v. State, 61 Md 14.
P. G. L , (1860,) art. 42, sec 2. 1853, ch. 131, sec. 2.
2. The governor shall not affix the great seal to any document
without accompanying it with his signature; nor shall he permit
any paper issuing from his department to be sealed therewith
without affixing his signature thereto.
Ibid. sec. 3. 1853, ch. 21.
3. The governor, on the presentation to him of a patent by
the commissioner of the land office, certified by said commis-
sioner as proper to be issued, shall be authorized to sign such
patent and cause the great seal to be affixed thereto.