760 GOVERNOR. [ART. 41.
1. Custody of the great seal, when to
be used; bills to be sealed with,
how bills to be approved
2. Signature to accompany sealing of
all public documents.
3. Signing and sealing patents.
4. May seal certified copies of laws
and resolutions.
5. To issue death warrants
6. May commute sentence of death.
7. Arrest and trial of person par-
doned on condition of leaving
the State, for returning to State
8. May remit forfeited recognizances,
9. Not the part belonging to an in-
10. Nolle prosequi, terms of granting.
11. May remit fine imposed by court
12. May summon witnesses in cases
of complaint against civil or
military officers, whom he may
remove or suspend.
13. Party complained against to have
notice of hearing
14. Costs of hearing, how to be paid.
15. Returns of elections for presiden-
tial electors
16. Maryland soldiers in Mexican war;
duplicates of discharge to
17. May quarantine vessels from in-
fected places.
18. To appoint superintendent and
sundry other officials in Annap-
olis to take care of public
buildings and grounds.
19. Duties of superintendent of pub-
lic buildings and grounds.
20. Superintendent to prepare a sys-
tem of rules.
21. Employees to obey orders of super-
22. Oath and bond of superintendent.
23. May direct removal of insane con-
vict from penitentiary to Mary-
land hospital.
P. G. L., (1860,) art. 42, sec. 1. 1853, ch. 131, sec. 1. 1884, ch. 78.
1. The great seal of the State of Maryland shall be in the
custody of the secretary of the State, but the governor shall have
the control and use thereof whenever necessary for any purpose
provided for by the constitution and laws, or when needed to
authenticate communications between this State and the United
States, the States and territories thereof, and foreign States; in
all which cases the great seal shall be used; and the secretary of
the senate, and the chief clerk of the house of delegates, respec-
tively, shall have unrestricted access to and use of the great seal,
for the purpose of affixing the same to bills which shall have
passed the general assembly, as required by the constitution, pre-