wares and merchandise shall be shipped or consigned by any
other person, shall be taken to be the true owner thereof, so far
as to entitle the consignee to a lien thereon for any money or
negotiable security advanced or given to or for the use of the
person in whose name such goods, wares or merchandise shall be
shipped or consigned, or for any money or negotiable security
received by him to the use of such consignee, in the same
manner as if such person were the true owner.
P G. L , (1860,) art. 3, sec 2. 1825, ch. 182, sec. 1. 1829, ch. 198.
2. The provisions of the preceding section shall not apply to
any case where the consignee shall have notice by the bill of
lading or otherwise, at or before the time of any advance of such:
money or negotiable security, or of such receipt of money
or negotiable security for which such lien is claimed, that the
person so shipping or consigning in his own name or in whose
name any goods, wares or merchandise shall be shipped or con-
eigned by any other person is not the actual and bona fide owner
Ibid. sec. 3. 1825, ch. 182, sec 2.
3. Any person intrusted with and in possession of any bill of
lading, store keeper's or inspector's certificate, order for the
delivery of goods, or other document showing possession, shall be
deemed the true owner of the goods, wares or merchandise
described therein, so far as to give validity to any contract
thereafter to be made by such person with any other person or
body corporate for the sale or disposal of the said goods, wares or
merchandise, or for the pledge or deposit thereof as a security for
any money or negotiable instrument advanced or given on the
faith of such documents, or any of them; provided, that such
person or body corporate shall not have notice by such document
or otherwise, that the person so intrusted is not the actual and
bona fide owner of such goods, wares and merchandise.
Ibid. sec. 4. 1825, ch 182, sec. 3.
4. Any person or body corporate may contract with any agent
or factor intrusted with any goods, wares or merchandise, or to
whom the same may be consigned, for the purchase thereof, and
may receive the same from such agent, factor or consignee, and