P.G L , (1860,) art. 1, sec. 12.
11. The word county shall be construed to include the city of
Baltimore, unless such construction would be unreasonable.
1888, ch. 36.
12. The word person shall include corporation, unless such a
construction would be unreasonable.
1. Who to be treated as true owner of
consigned goods. Extent of con-
signee's rights.
2. Limitations upon consignee's rights.
3. When and how far holder of bill of
lading or possessory document is
to be deemed true owner.
4. Contracts between factor and third
parties, and payments to factor
when good against consignor.
5. Deposit or pledge by factor or
holder of bill of lading or posses-
sory document to third parties,
for pre-existing debt without no-
6. Deposit or pledge by factor to third
parties with notice.
7. Upon insolvency of factor, princi-
pal may collect unpaid purchase
money. Set-off
8. When set-off allowed.
9. Upon insolvency of factor, princi-
pal may recover unsold and un-
pledged goods
10. Where third party entitled to set-
off, principal may recover surplus
of unpaid purchase money or
surplus over advances made to
11. Owner redeeming goods pledged
by insolvent factor to be held to
have paid pro tanto any debt due
by him to such factor.
12. Title and right of consignees of
agricultural products
13 Mortgage and pledge of agricul-
tural products by consignee to
be void.
14. Agricultural products unsold in
hands of insolvent factor, not to
pass to his trustee in insolvency.
15. Lien of consignee for advances to
owner of agricultural products.
16. This article not to affect legal and
equitable rights of owner against
P G. L , (1860,) art. 3, sec. 1. 1825, ch. 182, sec. 1. 1849, ch 293, sec. 1.
1. Any person intrusted for the purpose of consignment or
sale with any goods, wares or merchandise, except agricultural
productions, and who shall have shipped or consigned the same
in his own name, and any person in whose name any goods,