may authorize the corporation to charge such rates of toll as may
be sufficient to yield a net dividend of eight per centum per
annum to the stockholders or members of said corporation, making
due allowance always for cost of necessary repairs and reconstruc-
tion from accident or otherwise.
1868, ch. 471, sec. 121.
89. The corporation shall revise the rates of toll every six
months for three years from the completion of the bridge, and
shall report at each period to the county commissioners the gross
amounts of receipt and expenditure; and the rates of toll shall be
so readjusted, if need be, as to yield not more than eight per
centum net dividend; and at any time thereafter the corporation
shall, on demand of the county commissioners, report the amounts
of receipt and expenditure for any period demanded, and the tolls
shall be readjusted so as to yield not more than said dividend.
The rates of toll to be charged shall be specified in writing by the
county commissioners.
Ibid. sec. 122.
90. If the bridge be erected over a stream dividing two
counties, or between this State and another State, the corporation
shall make the like report hereinbefore provided to be made to
the county commissioners, to the comptroller of the treasury, who
shall lay the same before the governor, who shall issue his war-
rant specifying the rates of toll to be charged so as to yield eight
per centum per annum net dividend; and like reports shall be
made to the comptroller every six months, and at any subsequent
times as are provided in the preceding section to be made to, the
county commissioners; and revisions and readjustments of tolls
shall be made by the governor, as are directed to be made by the
county commissioners, in cases of bridges located in any one
Ibid. sec. 123.
91. The written authority or warrant of the county commis-
sioners and of the governor, in the respective cases, shall be
evidence of the right of the corporation to charge the tolls
demanded; and said authority or warrant shall be printed and
exposed to public inspection at every place where the payment
of tolls may be demanded.