1. Board of examiners a body politic.
2. Vacancies; how filled.
S. Applicant to be a pilot, must pro-
duce a certificate of honesty
and good behavior.
4. Board to examine each applicant,
appointment and license.
5. Fees.
6. Warrant as first rate pilot.
7. Annual renewal of license.
8. Fees for renew al
9. First rate license not to be granted
to minor.
10. Board may increase or decrease
number of pilots
11. Oath of board before examining
any applicant.
12. Pilot not to act unless his company
keeps a sufficient pilot boat.
18. Pilot to have license to destined
port of any vessel he demands
to pilot, name of boat to be
put on stern, mainsail and
14. No person not licensed shall under-
take to pilot any vessel, pen-
16. Board may make rules, may sus-
pend or withdraw license.
16. Masters of what vessels shall take
licensed pilots.
17. Masters of coasting vessels shall
obtain license from board of
18. Masters shall take licensed pilot or
pay full pilotage.
19. Money collected under sections 16
and 17; how distributable.
20. Special provisions as to masters and
owners of vessels on the Poco-
moke river and Eastern shore.
21. Rates of pilotage.
22. Deduction from pHot rates, when
23. Pilot absent for three years.
24. Pilot refusing to aid vessel in dis-
25. Carrying licensed pilot to sea
against his inclination, penalty.
26. Penalty for employing vessel as
pilot boat'withont license.
27. Detention of pilots, penalty.
28. Pilot's master to continue pilot
to port or to sea
29. Pilots to keep three boats at sea.
30. In what cases this article inappli-