employment of any person for service upon such vessel, and
before such person shall be allowed to enter upon such service or
employment, to make and execute with such person before a
shipping commissioner, a contract as provided and required in
section 71; and it shall be further the duty of such master
to keep on board of such vessel the shipping contract or agree-
ment of every member of his crew, which shall be at all
times open to the inspection of the persons interested and the
officers of the State fishery force; and the said master shall allow
the officers of the State fishery force to board his vessel at all
times for that purpose. It shall further be the duty of said
master to enter upon said contracts or agreements all amounts of
money paid or articles furnished, with the price thereof, to each
member of said crew during the period of his service. It shall
be the duty of the said master or owner to pay off and discharge
his crew or any member thereof before the shipping commissioner
of the district named as the place of discharge in the said contract
and agreement, and he shall at that time produce and deliver up
the said contract or agreement to the said shipping commissioner,
to be preserved in his office; and he shall account to said commis-
sioner for any member of the crew who may not be produced at
.such time.
1888, ch. 613, sec 8.
74. It shall be the duty of the officers of the various vessels
of the State fishery force to make from time to time inspections
of the various vessels described in sections 67-76, and to examine
on such occasions the contracts and agreements hereinbefore men-
tioned ; and if it be found that there have been violations of the
provisions of any of said sections upon the part of the master
or owner of said vessel, or if said master or owner of said vessel
be found guilty of cruelty or brutality to any member of the
crew of said vessel, to arrest said offenders and seize such vessel,
and bring the offenders before a justice of the peace, or a judge
of the court having criminal jurisdiction most convenient or
accessible, to be dealt with as to any violations of the provisions
of said sections of this article as hereinafter provided, and as to
any cruelty or brutality to any member of said crew as it is pro-
vided by this code.