Baltimore city, all persons whom they shall find in any passenger
railway car, or in or about any railway depot in Baltimore city, or
in any place of public amusement, or in any street of the city, whom
they shall know or have good reason to believe are common thieves
or pickpockets, and said justices shall commit or bail such persons
for trial before the Criminal Court; and if any person in Baltimore
city shall be charged on oath before any justice of the peace in Balti-
more city, or before the judge of the Criminal Court, with being a com-
mon thief or pickpocket, such justice or judge shall issue a warrant
for the arrest of such person, and him commit or bail for trial, and
any person convicted in the Criminal Court of Baltimore, of being a
common thief or common pickpocket, shall be imprisoned in jail
not more than two years nor less than six months, and be fined not
more than one hundred dollars; but if any person is arrested or in-
thieves or
pickpockets in
Baltimore city.
dicted a second time or more for such offence, he shall be convicted
only on proof that he has continued to be a common thief or pick-
pocket for at least one month since his last conviction or acquittal,
Second arrest or
and it shall be necessary to charge in the indictment only that the
person is a common thief or common pickpocket, and any evidence
either of facts or reputation proving that such person is habitually
and by practice a thief or pickpocket, shall be sufficient for his con-
viction, if satisfactorily establishing the fact to the court or jury by
whom he is tried, and there shall be no discretion in any police
officer or justice of the peace to discharge or release any person who
is by such proof before them, or knowledge on their part, shown to
be a thief or pickpocket as aforesaid; but such person shall be bailed
or committed for trial, and no conviction or charge of or for being
a common thief or pickpocket shall prevent any such person from
being tried and convicted for any particular act of larceny he may
have committed.
Indictment and
185 . If any person shall be arrested at any place on the line of
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, or on the line of the Northern
Central Railroad. or on the line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and
Baltimore Railroad, or in any of the cars or depots, or at any of the
stations on said roads, or any ferry boat employed to carry passen-
gers over any part of said roads and within the limits of this State,
charged with being a common thief or pickpocket, such persons may
be taken before any justice of the peace of the county in which said
place, or depot or station may be situated; or if such person be
arrested in any car or on any ferry boat, before any justice of the
peace of the nearest convenient county or of the city of Baltimore,
and such justices shall on proof as provided in the preceding section,
commit or bail such person for trial before the Circuit Court of the
county, or the Criminal Court of Baltimore, as the case may be ;
and all police officers of Baltimore city, and all conductors of trains
and police employed by any of said railway companies, and all con-
stables and bailiffs of any county or city on the lines of said road,
shall arrest all such persons at any of the places aforesaid, on the
Id s 2
Thieves, etc., on