Id s 4.
Bull, bear, or
dog fighting or
baiting, etc.
180. Any person or persons who shall keep or use any bull,
bear, or dog for the purpose of fighting or baiting the same, or as a
target to be shot at, either for amusement or as a test of skill in
marksmanship, or who shall be a party to or be present as a spec-
tator at any such fighting, baiting, or shooting of any bear, bull, or
dog, or any person who shall rent any room, shed, ground, or prem-
ises for the purpose of fighting, baiting, or shooting any animal as
aforesaid, shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine of not less than twenty
dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or be imprisoned in the jail of
the city of Baltimore for not less than thirty days nor more than
ninety days, or be both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of
the court before whom such person or persons may be tried and
P L L., art 4,
s 190
Baltimore city.
Cruelty to
animals, how
181. If any person shall wilfully cause or procure any bull-
baiting, cock-fighting, or the fighting of dogs, in the city of Balti-
more, or shall wilfully and wickedly kill, cripple, or commit acts of
cruelty upon animals in said city, or any of the streets, lanes, or
alleys thereof, every such person and those aiding therein shall be
liable to prosecution and punishment in the Criminal Court of
Baltimore, as for other misdemeanors.
Art 30,3.51
1609, c 138, s. 2 ,
1837, c 320, c 18
Escape from
182. If any offender, sentenced to undergo a confinement in the
penitentiary, shall escape, he shall, on conviction thereof, suffer such
additional confiement and hard labor, agreeably to the laws of this
State, as the Criminal Court of Baltimore shall adjudge and direct ;
and if any keeper, deputy, assistant keeper, or other person, shall
aid or assist in the escape of any offender confined in the peniten-
tiary, he shall, on conviction thereof by the Criminal Court of Balti-
more, undergo such confinement in the said penitentiary as the said
court may adjudge, not less than eighteen months nor more than ten
Art. 30,s 55.
1809, c 138, 7.
Fugitive con-
183. Any person who has been convicted and condemned to
serve and labor as a criminal, and who may escape and be found in this
State, shall be deemed a fugitive felon, and being thereof convicted
by a duly authenticated record, from the court of the State in which
such conviction and condemnation took place, shall be sentenced to
undergo a confinement in the penitentiary of this State for and
during the residue of the term for which such person shall have been
condemned; but if such person shall be demanded by the State
whence he escaped, he shall be immediately delivered up agreeably
to such demand.
1864, c 38, s. 1.
of common
184. It shall be the duty of all police officers in Baltimore city
to arrest and take before some one of the station-house justices in