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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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precinct to the register of such respective wards, on or before the


day when the register opens his office for the registration of voters


in such respective wards, and such census shall be made and returned


in the same manner before each election of the members of the


General Assembly, and copies thereof shall be furnished to the


register as aforesaid.

Id s 7.

10. If any person shall deem himself aggrieved by the refusal


of any officer of registration to register his name as a qualified


voter, or by the striking off his name from the list of qualified voters

Appeal from
decision of

for any cause, he shall have the right to appeal by petition from such


decision or action to the judge or judges of the Circuit Court of the


county where he applied for registration, or to a judge of the Su-


preme Bench of Baltimore city in case the person applied for regis-


tration in Baltimore city, and if said judge or judges shall determine


that the party so appealing is entitled to be registered or to be re-


stored to the list as a qualified voter, he shall so certify to the officer


of registration from whose decision the appeal was taken, and the


said officer shall thereupon register the said person as a qualified


voter, and in that case the cost of said appeal shall be paid by the


mayor and city council of Baltimore, or by the county commission-


ers of the county in which the appeal was taken; and it shall be the

Duty of State's

duty of the State's attorneys of the several counties and of the coun-

attorneys and
counsel of

sel for the officers of registration of Baltimore city, as hereinafter


provided, to appeal on behalf of the officers of registration and


against the appellant at the hearing of all appeals from the decision


of officers of registration within their respective counties and Balti-


more city, as the case may be.

Id s. 8.

11, Immediately after the expiration of the days in which said


officers of registration shall have sat for such corrections of the


registry lists, commencing on the first Monday in September, they

Lists to be made
and published

shall proceed without delay to make or cause to be made two alpha-


betical lists, one of which lists shall comprise the names of those


registered persons which said officers have stricken from the lists of


qualified voters and from the books of registration, delivered to said


officers by said clerks of courts, and the other one of which lists


shall comprise the names of the persons which said officers have reg-


istered at the registration just made, and also the names of those


persons whom the judge of a court to whom an appeal from the de-


cision of said officers of registration has been taken has decided to


be entitled to be registered, and said officers of registration shall


cause said lists to be published by handbills posted in such public


places as they may elect in the several precincts of Baltimore city,


and said election districts in the counties, and one-third of the hand-


bills so posted in Baltimore city shall be printed in the German



Id s. 9

12. For the purpose of revising said books of registration and


said lists as made and published by said officers of registration,


they shall for three successive days in the city of Baltimore and two

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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