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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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fication or disqualification to be registered as a qualified voter, " but


nothing herein contained, shall be construed to authorize said regis-


ters to ask any questions touching any cause of disqualification not


expressly enumerated in the Constitution of the State of Maryland,


or of the United States.


8. Said officer of registration shall, before striking from said list

Id s 5

of qualified voters and from said books of registration the name of


any registered person, diligently inquire and accurately ascertain

to striking from
or adding to the

that said registered person does not possess or before the election


next ensuing will not possess the requisite qualifications to entitle


him to be registered as a qualified voter in such precinct or election


district, or that such person is disqualified under the provisions of


the second and third sections of the first article of the Constitution,


and if it shall appear that said registered person does not possess


or will not possess said qualifications, and that he is so disqualified,


then said officer shall strike the name of such person from said list


of qualified voters and said books of registration, but if it shall


appear otherwise, then such officer shall not strike the name of such


person from said books of registration and from said list of quali-


fied voters; and before registering as a qualified voter any person


who has applied to said officers of registration to be registered as a


qualified voter, said officer shall diligently inquire and accurately


ascertain that such person possesses or will possess before the elec-


tion next ensuing, the requisite qualifications to entitle him to be


registered as a qualified voter, and that he is not disqualified under


the provisions of the second and third sections of the first article


of the Constitution, and if it shall appear that said person, so ap-


plying, possesses or will possess, before said day of election, said


qualifications, and if not so disqualified then said officers of regis-


tration shall register the name of such person as a qualified voter,


but they shall not register the name of any person who does not or


will not possess said qualifications, or is so disqualified, and when


any person applying as aforesaid for registration, shall have been


previously registered within this State, the officer of registration to


whom such application is made, before registering such person shall


demand and receive from him a certificate of his previous legal


registration, and such certificate of previous registration shall be


cancelled by the officer who shall register such person anew.


9. In order to enable the said register to revise the list of regis-

Id s 6.

tered voters in each of the precincts of the respective wards of


Baltimore city, the board of police commissioners of Baltimore

Census of voters

city shall, within one month before the time hereinbefore provided

furnished by
police commis-

for the revision of the list of registered voters, cause a census of


the legal voters in each of the voting precincts into which the sev-


eral wards of Baltimore city shall then be divided, to be made by


their police officers and returned by said officers to the office of the


board of said police commissioners, and the said board shall fur-


nish a copy of the list of voters so returned as residents in each


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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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