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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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such disqualification; ninth, the name of the qualified voter, omit-


ting from said ninth column the name of the person so above dis-


qualified, and inserting in lieu thereof the names of the witnesess by


whom said disqualification was established, or, in case of conviction


of bribery, or larceny, or other infamous crime, a statement of the


record proof thereof, and in what court said conviction was had, or


other proof by which such disqualification was established.


3. The clerks of courts shall issue under seal, to any person ap-

1874. c 490, s 20

plying to them, whose name appears on the list of qualified voters

Clerk of court
to issue certifi-

in their offices respectively, a certificate that said applicant is a

cate of registra-
tion when re-

registered, qualified voter; which certificate shall, upon presenta-


tion to the judge of election, entitle the holder to vote at the pre-


cinct or district at which he offers to vote; provided, that he has


satisfied said judges that he is the person named in said certificate,


and he has acquired the residence necessary to entitle him to vote


at said precinct or district, and that he has delivered to said judges


said certificate, to be filed with the list of voters or books of regis-


tration for said ward or district; and, provided further, that no


registration of voters has occurred in said ward or district since the


holder of said certificate has obtained a residence therein; and said


clerk shall record the name of every person to whom such a cer-


tificate has been issued, and deliver to the officers of registration, at


the ensuing sitting of said officers, a certified copy of said names,


so that thereby said officers may be informed that such person in-


tended to change his residence, but residence shall not be con-


sidered as changed, until six months after actual removal from the


city, county, legislative, congressional or other electoral districts


in which a voter has been registered.




4. For the correction of the lists of registered voters in this

1876, c 249, s 1

State, the clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, and the

Correction of

clerks of the Circuit Courts of the several counties shall, between


the last Monday in August and the first Monday of September, in


every year, deliver to the officers of registration for Baltimore city


and the several counties, the books of registration deposited in the


offices of the said clerks respectively, and also duly certified copies


of the lists of qualified voters remaining in their respective offices.


5. The officers of registration as aforesaid shall, between the last

Id s 2

Monday in August and the first Monday in September, in every

Registers to ob-
tain books of

year, demand from the clerks of the said courts of Baltimore city

from court

and of the Circuit Courts of the several counties said books of reg-


istration, and certified copies of the lists of qualified voters directed


to be, delivered to said officers by said clerks in the preceding sec-


tion of this act, and said officers of registration shall safely keep


and protect said books and lists from alteration, mutilation, and


defacement whilst in their possession.




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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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