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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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1 Appointment of registers, oath
2 What recorded in the books of registration

3. Clerk of court to issue certificate of regis-
tration when requested


4 Correction of lists

15 Copies of lists for sheriff and clerk of

S Registers to obtain books of registration


from clerks of courts

16 Residence required

6 Time and place of Bitting, publication of

17 Powers of registers


18 New or special election, time and place of

7 Duties of registers, oath of applicant for

sitting of register, publication of notice


19 Method of procedure

8 Preliminaries to striking from or adding

20 Police officers to preserve order in Balti-

to the list

more city

9 Census of voters furnished by police com-

21 Clerks of courts to preserve the lists and



10 Appeal from decision of register, duty of

22 Sheriff to safely keep copies of lists

State's attorneys and counsel of regis-

23 Duty of judges of election in regard to


the lists

11 Lists to be made and published

24 Compensation, expenses, how paid, coun-

12 Revision, publication of notice

sel of registers

13 Manner of revising

25 Neglect of duty, penalty

14 Revised lists to be made and published


1874, c 490, s 2

1. The governor shall nominate and, by and with the advice of

Appointment of

the Senate, appoint at every regular session of the legislature, one


person in each ward of Baltimore city, and one person in each


election district in every county, voters in said wards and districts

23 Md 512, 532

respectively, to be styled officers of registration, who shall perform


the duties imposed on them by this article, and all such officers,

33 Md 142

before entering upon the discharge of their duties, shall take and


subscribe, before the clerk of some one of the courts of Baltimore


city, and the clerks of the Circuit Court of the several counties re-


spectively, the oath prescribed in the sixth section of the third


article of the Constitution.

1874, c 490, s 8

2. In registering any person who shall apply to said officers of

What recorded
in the books of

registration to be registered, said officers shall first record the name


of such person in the proper column of said books of registration,


and second, administer to him the oath as directed in this article, and


enter in the column of said books whether he has or has not been sworn;


third, his age, fourth, the place of his birth; fifth, his residence;


sixth, the time he has resided in Baltimore city or the county in which


he applies to be registered; seventh, if naturalized, the date of his


final paper or certificate of naturalization, and the court, county and


State where issued; eighth, if disqualified by non-age, non-resi-


dence, alienage, or non compos mentis, or conviction of bribery, or


larceny or other infamous crime, as described in the second and


third sections of the first article of the Constitution, the cause of


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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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