11. If the said inquisition be set aside, the said court may direct
Id s 11
another inquisition in the manner hereinbefore prescribed.
Proceedings, if
set aside
12, Every such inquisition shall describe the property taken,
Id s 12
and the bounds and quantity of the land condemned, and shall state
Inquisition to
describe proper-
the valuation thereof; such valuation, when paid or tendered to the
ty condemned,
and state valua-
owner of said property, shall entitle the United States to the land
so valued and condemned, for the use and purposes set forth in said
Effect of pay-
ment, or tender
petition, as fully as if the same had been conveyed by the owner
of valuation
thereof to the United States for said use and purposes, with the
sanction of the General Assembly of this State; provided, always,
that if said valuation be tendered to the party entitled and refused,
the United States shall obtain no title to said land until they shall
have, by their said agent, or otherwise, brought said tender and
Proceedings of
refusal to the knowledge of said court; and said court shall pass
court on refusal
of tender.
an order directing that said valuation, tendered and refused as afore-
said, be paid over to the clerk of said court, to be retained by him,
or invested under the Older or direction of said court, for the use
and benefit of the party entitled, whenever he shall see fit to de-
mand the same; and the said court shall direct said clerk to pay
over the same to him, and said order shall have been complied with
by the United States; and the said court may, in its discretion,
before ordering any such valuation to be paid over to said clerk,
require said clerk to enter into an additional bond to the State of
Maryland, with security to be approved by said court, in such penal
sum as said court may direct, not exceeding double the amount of
such valuation; conditioned that the said clerk will well and faith-
fully keep all moneys paid over to him as such valuation, and will
well and faithfully comply with all the orders of said court in refer-
ence thereto; but nothing in this act contained shall authorize the
condemnation of more than ten acres of land in any one tract for
Number of acres
to which con-
the use of the United States.
demnation lim-
13. Jurisdiction is hereby ceded to the United States over such
Id s 13
lands as shall be condemned as aforesaid, for their use for public
ceded to the
purposes, as soon as the same shall be condemned, under the sanc-
United States.
tion of the General Assembly of this State, hereinbefore given to
said condemnation; provided, always, that this State shall retain
concurrent jurisdiction with the United States, in and over all lands
condemned under the precisions of this act, so far as that all pro-
jurisdiction re-
served to State
cesses, civil and criminal, issuing under the authority of this State,
or any of the courts or judicial officers thereof, may be executed on
the premises so condemned, and in any building erected, or to be
erected thereon, in the same way and manner as if this act had not
been passed, and exclusive jurisdiction shall revert to, and revest in
the State, whenever the said premises shall cease to be owned by
the United States, and used for some of the purposes mentioned in
this act.