nient day thereafter, it shall be the duty of the said court to proceed
to hear and determine upon said petition, and the objections, if any,
filed against the proposed condemnation; and the said court may
order such witnesses to be summoned, and hear such evidence as
may be produced before it by the respective parties, to show the
necessity or impropriety of the proposed condemnation; and if the
said court shall determine that condemnation of the said lands or
other real property ought not to be had, it shall dismiss said peti-
tion, at the cost of the United States; but if it shall determine that
condemnation of the land in said petition described, ought to be
had by the United States, it shall pass an order directing the clerk
of said court, under his hand and the seal of said court, to issue a
Warrant to
warrant to the sheriff of the county wherein said land lies, requir-
sheriff to sum-
mon jury
ing him to summon a jury of twenty inhabitants of said county, not
interested in the land to be valued, to meet on or near the land to
be valued, in a day named in said summons, not less than ten nor
more than twenty days after issuing the same; provided, five days'
notice thereof be given to the owner, reputed owner, or agent of
such owner of the lands proposed to be condemned.
Id s 6
6. If at the time named in such summons, any of said jurors
Proceedings on
summoned do not attend, the said sheriff shall immediately sum-
of any of jurors.
mon as many jurors as may be necessary with the jurors in attend-
ance to make up the number of twenty, and from them, each party
or his agent, or if either be not present in person or by agent, the
sheriff for said party may strike four jurors, and the remaining
jurors shall act as the jury of inquest of damages.
Id s 7
7. The said sheriff shall, before the said jury shall proceed to
Oath to jurors
act, administer to each of them an oath, that he will justly and im-
partially value the damages which the owner will sustain by the use
or permanent occupation of the land required by the United States.
Id s 8
8. The jury shall summon such witnesses as the parties may re-
Witnesses' testi-
quire, and examine them on oath in relation to the value of the
property to be condemned; and they shall reduce the testimony, if
any be taken by them, to writing, and after the testimony is closed,
and without any unnecessary delay, they shall ascertain and deter-
mine the compensation which ought to be made by the United States
to the party owning or being interested in the land to be condemned.
Id s 9
9. The jury shall reduce their inquisition to writing, and shall
Return of in-
sign and seal the same, and it shall then he returned by the sheriff,
together with the testimony, if any taken, and reduced to writing as
aforesaid, to the clerk of the Circuit Court for the county wherein
said land lies, and shall be filed by said clerk in said court.
Id s 10
10. The said inquisition shall be confirmed by said court, if no
Confirmation of
sufficient cause be shown by the fourth day of the term thereof,
beginning next after it is filed in said court; and when confirmed,
shall be recorded by said clerk at the expense of the United States,
and the United States shall also pay all the costs incident to said
petition and inquisition in all cases.