bond immediately to deliver the same to the officer who made the
arrest; and in case of forfeiture of the bond, the said officer may
prosecute the same for his use and the use of those engaged with
him in making the arrest and seizure.
11, If resistance be made to the officer engaged in making such
arrest or seizure, such resistance shall be deemed a misdemeanor,
presentable by the grand jury of the county, and punishable in the
Circuit Court thereof by fine and imprisonment, as other misde-
meanors are punished
Id s 11
1800, c 109, c 10
Resistance to
12. After the payment of the costs of the prosecution of the
offenders, the balance arising from the fine and the sale of the boat
and other property hereinbefore mentioned shall be divided and
apportioned 111 the following manner: One-half to the officer and
those who assisted him in making the arrest and seizure, and the
balance to be paid over to the county commissioners for the benefit
of the school fund of the county
Id s. 12
1860, c 109, s 11
Proceeds of fine
and Rale, how
13, No person shall shoot, or in any manner catch, kill, or have
in possession any partridge between the twenty-fourth day of De-
cember, said day included, and the first day of November next ensu-
ing, in each and every year; nor any woodcock between the first
day of February and the fifteenth day of June; nor any pheasant
between the first day of January, said day included, and the fifteenth
day of August; nor any rabbit between the fifteenth day of January
and the fifteenth day of October; nor shall any person trap or de-
stroy, or molest the eggs or nests of any of the said birds at any time.
1878, c 460
When shooting,
etc, partridges,
woodcocks, rab-
bits and pheas-
ants unlawful
14. No person keeping a tavern, restaurant, or eating-house, nor
any market-man, shall expose for sale, or have in his possession in
this State any partridge, woodcock, or pheasant, between the times
within which the killing of such birds is forbidden by the preceding
Art 98, s 14.
1856, c 263, s 4
When unlawful
to have part-
ridge, woodcock
or pheasant in
15. Any person violating either of the sections 13 or 14 hereof,
shall pay a fine of not more than ten dollars for each and every part-
ridge, woodcock, pheasant, or rabbit shot, or in any manner caught,
killed, or in their possession; or for any partridge trapped, or for
any egg or nest molested or destroyed contrary to section 13; said
fines to be recovered before a justice of the peace of the county or
city where the offence is committed, or by indictment in the court
having criminal jurisdiction in the county or city where the offence
is committed; and in default of payment of the fine or fines im-
posed hereunder, the offender shall be committed to jail for thirty
days for each offence, and the non-payment of each and every fine
shall be considered a separate offence within the meaning hereof;
one-half of all fines imposed hereunder shall go to the informer.
1878, c. 460.