SEC. 39. The commissioners of Easton, or a majority
of them, may make such ordinances as they may deem
necessary and beneficial to said town, may cause all nui-
sances to be abated, and all obstructions in the streets,
lanes and alleys, to be removed at the expense of the
person who caused the nuisance or obstruction; may
1870, c. 240, s. 2.
Powers of com-
cause the streets, lanes and alleys to be straightened
and widened, whenever the proper width thereof, in
the opinion of said commissioners, or a majority of
them, is obstructed by the projection of any house or
houses thereon, and may require the said house or
houses to be removed, either by the owner or owners
thereof, or in case of his, her or their refusal or neglect
to remove the same, after sixty days notice, to be per-
sonally served on him, her or them, or left at his, her
or their usual place of residence in said town, then, in
that case, by such person or persons as the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them, may appoint to
remove the said house or houses, and thereupon the
said commissioners shall cause the damages, which
such owner or owners may have sustained by reason
of said removal, to be ascertained either by agree-
ment with said owner or owners, or upon a failure to
agree thereon, by two disinterested persons, to be mu-
tually chosen by the said commissioners, or a majority
of them, and the said owner or owners, and in case
Proceedings to
straighten and
widen streets,