of the peace of the county where the purchaser or pur-
chasers may reside for the amount pledged or unpaid,
first summoning the party or parties who made the
pledge before the justice of the peace and producing as
evidence of his claim, the written pledge given to him
or them by defendant or defendants, and upon the jus-
tice of the peace being satisfied that the claim is just,
he shall enter judgment for amount due according to
the terms of the pledge designated in said judgment
the crop or crops of said defendant or defendants which
shall be responsible for said claim which only shall be
subject to execution and sold under such judgment for
payment of said claim, and no amount of such claim
shall be a limit to the jurisdiction of said justice; nor
shall there be any superseders on said judgment; but
the defendant or defendants may have the privilege of
appeal to the circuit court of the county in which he
resides as provided in other judgments recovered before
a justice of the peace upon giving bond with two ap-
proved securities in double the amount of debt, interest
and costs of said judgment rendered against him, her
or them.
Ibid. s. 5.
Rent preferred
to pledge.
135. No pledge given as hereinbefore provided shall
be preferred to the claim of a landlord against his
tenant for rent of the land on which the manures
aforesaid may be applied whether the rent be payable
in money or in a share of the crops, but the landlord's
claim for rent shall only be preferred to the claim of
the vendor or vendors of the manures aforesaid for
one year, and that the year in which the crops are
made and gathered on which such manures were ap-
Ibid. s. 6.
Vendor not
confined to
pledge for
136. In case the vendor or vendors of the manures
aforesaid shall fail to make from the pledge given them
as aforesaid and proceedings thereunder, their claim se-
cured by said pledge or any part thereof, the said ven-
dor or vendors may proceed to recover their account
for said manures from the purchaser or purchasers in
any other manner allowed for the recovery of accounts,
and the said vendor or vendors aforesaid may, besides