county, to be appropriated to road purposes within his
district; provided, that the commissioners may remit
the fine upon being satisfied that said person ought not
to have been appointed; and the commissioners shall
have power to remove any supervisor who shall fail in
or neglect his duties, and to appoint another person in
his place, and annually to appoint supervisors whose
terms may have expired.
Ibid. s 4
Duties of super-
238. It shall be the duty of each supervisor to cause
all public roads within his district to be kept cleared,
smooth and in good repair, with suitable drains on each
side, so as to afford at all times free, safe and easy pas-
sage for wagons and carriages along such roads; cause
bridges and culverts to be made where necessary, and
to keep the same in repair, and to erect arid keep in
repair at the forks and crossings posts and guide-boards
with plain letters for guides, giving the direction and
distances to the most noted places to which said roads
Ibid s 5.
239. Whenever any public road shall be obstructed
in any manner, and whenever any bridge or culvert
shall be out of repair, or dangerous, it shall be the
duty of the supervisor to remove the obstructions and
to have the bridges and culverts rebuilt or repaired;
provided, the cost thereof shall not exceed ten dollars;
then, he shall report the same to the county commis-
sioners, whose duty it shall be immediately to cause
the obstructions to be removed, or such bridge or con-
duit to be rebuilt or repaired, as the case may be, either
by ordering the supervisor to hire laborers and teams
for the purpose, or by making a contract therefor with
some fit person; and all moneys required to carry out
the provisions of this law shall be paid out of the funds
of the county, on the order of the commissioners, and
Bills for repairs
receivable for
all bills of costs for hire of persons or teams, or for
other expenses incurred in repairing the public roads,
shall, when approved by the county commissioners by
endorsement thereon, be receivable for the party to
whom due, or his assignee in writing, in payment of
county taxes due by the lawful holder thereof.