Section 17 of the Act of 1870, c. 392, entitled an act to incorporate a house of re-
formation and instruction for colored children, and to appropriate a sum of money
to the same, empowers the managers of that institution to bind out the children com-
mitted to their care, as apprentices, during their minority, and provides that the
indentures by which such children shall be bound, shall contain the covenants, and
shall be recorded as prescribed by Article VI of the Code, and that all the provisions
of said article in relation to white apprentices shall apply to apprentices bound un-
der said section 17. [See Article LXXVI1I, Refuge, House of, post ]
Arbitration and Award.
1870, c. 136 entitled an act to repeal and re-enact with amendments an act enti-
tled " an act to incorporate the Corn and Flour Exchange of the city of Balti-
more," passed March 23d, 1865, c. 83, enacts inter alia :
SEC. 8. That the board of directors shall annually elect by ballot five members of
the association, who are not members of the board, as n committee, to be known as
the Arbitration Committee of the Baltimore Corn and Flour Exchange. The board
of directors may, at any time, fill any vacancy in said committee for the remainder
of the term in which such vacancy may happen; the duty of the arbitration com-
mittee shall be to hear and decide any controversies which may arise in business
between the members of said organization, or said members and other persons, as
may be voluntarily submitted to the said committee for arbitration; and such mem-
bers and persons may, by an instrument in writing, signed by them and attested by
a subscribing witness, agree to submit to the decision of said committee, any such
controversy so arising al might be the subject of an action at law or in equity, ex-
rept claims of title to real estate.
9. That the mode of proceeding of said arbitration committee shall be regulated
by the by-laws of the corporation, which shall be substantially complied with in all
cases, without prejudice, however, to any award from merely formal irregularity.
The said committee shall have power to apply to any justice of the peace for the'
city of Baltimore, to issue subpaenas and other compulsory process to procure the
attendance of witnesses before it, and all justices so applied to in writing, signed by
the chairman or acting chairman of said committee, shall issue such process forth-
with, the costs of the same, and of the attendance of the witnesses so summoned, to
be the same as in civil suits before such justices, and to be collectable from the parties
on whose behalf the said witnesses shall be summoned and attend, in the same