14 APPEALS. [ART. 5.
brought, involving the title or right to a public office,
either party shall have a right to appeal within twenty
days, and on such appeal the clerk of the court shall
forthwith transmit the original papers, including the
judgment or order, to the court of appeals, and said
courb shall immediately hear and determine the case.
Approved and in force April 4,1870.
1870, c. 66 repeals section SO and re enacts the same with amendments:
1870,c.56,s 1.
on appeal
50. Any party aggrieved thereby may appeal from
any judgment of a justice' of the peace to the cir-
cuit court for the county or Baltimore city court, in
Baltimore, at any time within sixty days from the ren-
dition of such judgment; and the court to which such
appeal is taken, shall hear the case de novo, and deter-
mine the same according to law and the equity and
To what actions
right of the matter, and this section shall be construed
to include all actions of debts for the collection of fines,
penalties and forfeitures imposed by any law of the
Judgment by
state, and which are made recoverable before a justice
of the peace in which a right of appeal may not be
given by the law imposing the same ; provided, how-
ever, if the appellant should not appear on or before
the second day of the term of the court to which such
appeal is taken, the judgment shall be affirmed as of
COUrse. Approved February 19, 1870.
1870, c. 56 also adds the following section :
1870, c. 56, s. 2.
Where judg-
ment imposing
fine is affirmed,
count to have
power to com-
69 [60.] Where any judgment of a justice of the
peace imposing any fine or penalty for the violation
of any law or ordinance, shall be affirmed upon ap-
peal, the court to which such appeal is taken shall
have the power to commit the defendant or appellant
in case of non-payment of such fine or penalty and
costs; provided, that no person shall be imprisoned
under this section for a longer period than thirty days
for any one offence.
Approved February 19, 1870.