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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 240   View pdf image (33K)
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commissioners may deem necessary, and in case they
or either of them refuse or fail to execute such bond, to
be approved by the said judges of the orphans' court
within thirty days after their appointment as aforesaid,
or in case either of said superintendents shall die or
resign, the judges of the orphans' court of said county
shall appoint another superintendent in the place of
him or them respectively who may fail to give bond,
die or resign as aforesaid.

ents' returns

148. Said superintendents shall severally, on the
first Monday of April, in each and every year, return,
under oath, to the county commissioners of said county,
a full and particular account of the amount received
by them respectively for the repair of their respective
portions of said roads, and also of the various items
of expenditures upon the same, accompained by the
vouchers for the said expenditures; and for the per-
formance of their duties under this act, the said super-
intendents shall severally be allowed, as an item of said


expenditures, the sum of two dollars per day for each
and every day in which they may be actually engaged
in making said repairs, improvements and expendi--

In force and approved February 26, 1868.

1868, c. 156 entitled an act for the repair and preservation of the present county road
along the valley of Will's creek, from the Pennsylvania line to the residence of
John F. Krigbaum, on the Cumberland and Somerset turnpike road, or for the
laying out of a new road in the valley of said Will's creek and for other purposes,
recites that whereas, it has been represented to the general assembly of Maryland
that the county road along the valley of Will's creek is at many seasons of the
year impassable on account of the creek overflowing its banks and inundating
said road at several places with water, and frequently blockading the same with
ice so as to impede and stop, at those times, all travel and trade on said road. And
it is also represented to this general assembly that the annual levies made by the
commissioners of Allegany county are entirely inadequate to place said road in
good traveling condition. Now therefore to remedy, the evils complained of, it
enacts as follows:

1868, c. 158

147. John Humbird, James Reynolds and Joseph
Dilley, are hereby appointed commissioners with full
power and authority to pass over and examine said
road along the valley of Will's creek, and ascertain,


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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 240   View pdf image (33K)
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