improvements of the said roads, one of said superinten-
dents to be a resident of that portion of said county
through which the road passes from Oakland to Ganer's
bridge across Deep creek; one of said superintendents
to be a resident of that portion of said county, through
which the road passes, from Ganer's bridge to Acci-
dent; and one of said superintendents to be a resident
of that portion of said county, through which the said
road passes, from Accident to the National road west
of Grantsville. The said judges of the orphans' court
for said county shall also appoint one suitable person
to act as superintendent for the purpose of supervis-
ing and attending to the repairs and improvements
of the said road leading from said point on the said
road leading from Oakland to Accident, at or near
McHenry's gate, to Selbysport, and said superinten-
dent to be a resident of that portion of said county,
through which the road passes, from said point at or
near McHenry's gate, on the road leading from Oak-
hind to Accident and to Selbysport.
144. It shall be the duty of the county commis-
sioners of Allegany county in making their annual
levy for the repairs of reads in said county, to take
into special consideration the several roads mentioned
as aforesaid, and if in their judgment, they deem it
expedient or necessary, they are authorized and em-
powered to make a separate and distinct levy not ex-
ceeding four thousand dollars each year, for the space
of five years, in the hands of the four several superin-
tendents, provided for by this act for the repair of the
respective portion or portions of said roads hereinbefore
designated, and to be expended severally by said super-
intendents upon said portions of said roads.
Duty of county
145. Said superintendents shall within thirty days
after their appointment as aforesaid, give their several
bonds with surety for the faithful expenditure of all
moneys levied for the repairs and improvements upon
their several portions before designated of said roads,
and for the performance of their several duties required
by this act in such several sums as the said county
ents' bonds.