81. The commissioners shall meet at some conve-
nient place in said town, on or before the first Mon-
day in June next succeeding the election, and as
often thereafter as may be necessary to discharge the
duties of their office, and not less than once in three
months, three of whom shall constitute a quorum to
transact business; and in the absence of the presi-
dent the oldest member present shall preside.
Ibid s. 5
when held, &c
32. The commissioners shall annually on or before
the first Monday in April, appoint two judges of
election, who shall appoint one clerk, and the judges
shall conduct the elections according to the election
laws of the state, by opening the polls at some con-
venient place at ten o'clock in the morning, and
closing the same at three o'clock in the afternoon,
and the judges and clerk shall make their return to
the commissioners, and shall receive one and a half
dollars a day for their services; the first election
shall be "held before William D. Poole and B. T. Nor-
ris, who are appointed judges for that purpose.
Ibid s 6.
Judges of elec-
33. The commissioners may appoint a clerk and
assign his duties, and allow him such compensation
as they may think right, and any commissioner
except the oldest may be appointed clerk.
Ibid a 7
of clerk.
34. The clerk shall enter all ordinances passed by
the commissioners and signed by the president, and
all other papers they may direct, in the book of
records to be kept by him for that purpose, which
shall be opened at all times for the inspection of per-
sons interested, and copies of all ordinances shall be
put up by him in the most public places in said town.
Ibid s 8
His duties
85. The commissioners may direct by ordinance
all or any of the foot ways in said town to be laid
off', leveled and paved with such materials as they
shall think best, and the same shall be done at the
expense of the owners of the lots or property before
which the same shall be directed to be made.
Ibid s 9.
ers' powers.
36. If any owner of any house, lot or part of a lot
shall refuse or neglect to level, pave or repair their
foot ways in front thereof, according to the ordinance
Ibid s 10.
paving, &c.,