576 KENT COUNTY. [ART. 14.
1866, c. 125 repeals sections 42 and 56 and substitutes the following:
1866, c 125
Ordinances for
regulation of
of town, &c.
42. The said commissioners may make such ordi-
nances or by-laws for the regulation and good govern-
ment of said town and the inhabitants thereof, to
restrain disorders and disturbances, and prevent and
remove all nuisances within said town, as to them or
a majority of them may seem proper, not inconsistent
with the laws of this state; and may enforce the
observance thereof under such penalties, fines and
forfeitures as they shall deem proper, not exceeding
ten dollars for any one offence, and all such fines,
penalties, and forfeitures may be recovered before a
justice of the peace, by warrant, judgment, and com-
mitment to the public prison of Kent county, in the
same manner that commitments are made for fines
imposed by the circuit courts of this state, on convic-
tion for misdemeanor; but the said commissioners or
a majority of them, shall have power at any time to
remit or release the said fines, penalties and for-
feitures and costs, or any part thereof, at their dis-
Power to remit
lines, &c.
cretion; but any party who shall be fined or sub-
jected to any penalty or for forfeiture, may within
five days after the same shall be imposed and judg-
ment recovered, supersede or stay the same for thirty
days, by giving ample personal security to the said
justices of the peace, and the said fines, penalties and
forfeitures shall thereafter be collected as small debts,
Ordinances in
are now collectable before a justice of the peace; and
that all ordinances and by-laws now in force in said
town, and not inconsistent with the laws and consti-
tution of this state, shall be in force until repealed or
altered by the said commissioners or a majority of
Levy for streets
&c to whom
56. The money which shall be annually levied by
the county commissioners of Kent county, for repair-
ing the streets, lanes and alleys of said town, shall
be paid to the said commissioners or their order, and
shall be expended by them for that purpose; and
they shall appoint, in the month of June, annually,