ART. 14. ] KENT COUNTY. 575
"-> 1864, c. 196 enacts as follows:
35. The county commissioners for Kent and Queen
Anne's counties, are authorized and required to levy
upon the assessable property of their respective coun-
ties, one-half of the sum necessary to repair the free
bridge over Chester river, at a place called Crump-
ton, and shall yearly make such further levies as
may be necessary to keep said bridge in good repair.
1804, c 169, c. 1.
of Kent and
Q Anne to levy
to repair bridge
36. The county commissioners of said counties, are
authorized to employ some suitable person or persons
to repair said bridge, in such manner and upon such
terms as said commissioners shall determine.
Ibid s. 2.
Bridge to be
37. The said county commissioners shall employ
some person to have charge of said bridge, who shall
attend every day from sunrise to sunset to open the
draw for the passage of vessels, and shall receive as
Ibid, s 3.
Bridge keeper.
a compensation, seventy-five dollars per year for
such service.
In force from March 2, 1864.
1664, c. 277 adds the following:
88. The commissioners of Chestertown may ap-
point the collector of taxes for Kent county, or of
the district of which Chestertown forms a part, to
collect the corporation tax of said town from time to
time, and the collector so appointed, shall be bound
1864, c 277.
of town to
appoint collec-
tor of taxes.
to give bond, and collect the said taxes according to
the terms and provisions of the forty -seventh section,
of this article, under the penalty of fifty dollars, to
be recovered by indictment by the grand jury, and
judgment of the circuit court for Kent county, as in
ordinary cases of punishment; and the said collector
shall receive the same compensation for collecting
said tax, as he may receive from the county commis-
sioners for collecting the county tax.
In force from June 1, 1864.
Bond and com-