upon conviction before a justice of the peace of
Harford county, be fined a sum not less than ten
dollars nor more than thirty collars, one-half of
said fine to be given to the informer and the other
half to be paid over to the school commissioners of
said county for school purposes.
Ibid s. 4.
50. In the event of the failure or refusal of any
person so convicted to pay such fine, the justice of
the peace imposing the fine, shall commit him to the
jail of Harford county for not less than thirty, nor
more than sixty days.
In force from February 16, 1867.
1866, c. 24 recites that a number of lots in the town of Havre-de-Grace, which
. were disposed of by lottery previous to eighteen hundred and forty, have not been
claimed nor the taxes thereon paid by those drawing them as prizes in said lot-
tery, and some other lots of which the legal owners or their legal representatives
cannot be ascertained by the assessors of said town and enacts as follows:
1866, c. 24.
Bailiff to adver-
tise lots un-
51. The board of commissioners of the town of
Havre-de Grace are hereby authorized to direct their
bailiff to advertise the numbers and squares of all
such lots as were assessed at their last assessment as
lots which the assessors were unable to find legal
owners for, in each newspaper published in Harford
county, and one newspaper in New York city, Phila-
delphia and Baltimore, once a week for four weeks,
notifying that unless the taxes due on said lots shall
be paid by the legal owners, or their legal represen-
tatives to the said bailiff within the space of thirty-
days after the publication of the notice is completed,
To be sold.
each of the lots so charged, shall be sold to the high-
est bidder for the payment of the same; in all cases
where the taxes shall not be paid by the day or time
mentioned in said advertisement, the board of com-
missioners of said town shall direct their bailiff after
twenty days' previous notice at the court-house door
in Bel-Air, and by publication in each newspaper
published in Harford county, and also in one news.