dollars the bonds shall be issued to mature in the year eighteen hundred and
seventy-four, and the said bonds shall be redeemable, With interest, at the pleasure
of said county commissioners at or before the maturity thereof. That said county
commissioners, shall annually levy upon the assessable property of Frederick
county, in addition to all other taxes, a tax sufficient to pay the semi-annual interest
and the principal of said bonds at maturity, not exceeding three-fourths of a cent on
every hundred dollars, and the money thus raised shall be applied by said county
commissioners to the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds as afore-
said, and to the necessary cost of the collection of said tax, and to no other purpose
whatsoever, and that said tax shall be collected as all other taxes are collected.
1867, c. 273 enacts the following:
1867, c 103.
Act revived.
193. The act of incorporation of Mechanicstown,
in Frederick county, passed December session, eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-one, chapter one hundred
and eleven, with the several supplements thereto, is
hereby revived, and made as effectual to all intents
and purposes as if the said act of incorporation had
not expired by the neglect of said corporators.
Election of
194. With a view to carry said corporation into
operation, with all the rights and privileges granted
to them by said act of incorporation, the citizens of
Mechanicstown, as provided for in said act of incor-
poration, shall hold an election on the first Monday
in April next, at the house of John B. Gilbert,
between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and three
o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing a burgess
and three commissioners, as designated in said act of
incorporation, and for the same space of time.
In force from March 13, 1867,
1864, c. 184 enacts the following:
1861, c. 184.
No license to
issue to sell
liquor in or
near Tillage.
195. The clerk of the circuit court for Frederick
county shall not grant a license to any person to sell
spirituous or fermented liquors of any kind, at any
time or place within three miles of either of the
churches in the village of Myersville, and any per-
son selling any kind of intoxicating drinks, whether