County print-
ing, advertis-
ing, &c.
45. The county commissioners are hereby author-
ized to have all their printing and advertising done
by such newspapers and in such manner as shall, in
their judgment, be most conducive to the interest of
the county.
In force from December 19, 1861.
NOTE —Section 44 of this article which provided for the pay, &c, of the county commis-
sioners, is repealed by 1866, c 134. See this net trader Article XXVIII, County Commis-
sioners, Public General Laws.
1862, c. 53 repeals 1861, c. 74 relating to polls in district No. 2 and enacts as follows:
1802, c 53, s. 1.
where held in
district No. 2.
49. The county commissioners of Frederick county
are hereby authorized and required to hold two polls
in district number two, called Frederick district of
said county, by dividing the said district by a line
beginning at a point on the Monocacy river, where
Carroll's creek empties into the same, and running
by and with the centre of the road leading thence to
Frederick city, to the point of intersection of said
road by the continuation of a straight line drawn
through the centre of Second street in Frederick
city, thence westwardly, by and with said straight line
to and through Second street, and by and with the
centre of Second street to Bentz street, thence by a
continuation of said line to the middle of the turn-
pike road leading from Frederick to Hagerstown,
thence with the middle of said turnpike road to the
top of the Catoctin Mountain, being the western
boundary of said district number two.
Ibid s. 2
District divi-
ded into pre-
cincts, &C
60. All that portion of Frederick election district,
number two, lying south and east of said line shall
be known as precinct number one, and all that por-
tion lying north and west of said line shall be known
as precinct number two, and that all the voters in
each of said precincts shall vote at the court house
in Frederick city, and the said county commissioners
shall cause two polls to be opened at the said court
house, for that purpose, and shall also appoint three