any of the lands within the village which may be
occupied and used as farms or may be part or parts
of farms, such lands shall be valued and assessed as
lots of four acres of ground, with the buildings and
improvements thereon, and shall not be valued and
assessed by the number of acres therein.
Ibid s. 20
Appeal flora
185. If any owner of property within said village
stall feel aggrieved by the assessment so made, he
may appeal to the board of commissioners, who may
make such deduction from the valuation of his pro-
perty as they deem reasonable and just.
Ibid s 21.
Appointment of
bailiff, &c.
186. The said board of commissioners may from
time to time, under such conditions as they may by
their ordinances direct, appoint such, officers as they
may deem necessary to carry into effect their ordi-
nances, among whom shall be a town bailiff who
shall ex officio be collector of the town tax, and shall
within said village have all the authority of a con-
Ibid s 22.
Bailiff to give
187. The said bailiff shall give bond, to be ap-
proved by the county commissioners, as other con-
stables, for the faithful performance of his duty as
constable, and also bond to the said board of com-
His duties.
missioners for the faithful performance of his duty as
bailiff, and as collector of the taxes, and the faithful
performance of such duties as shall be imposed on
him by the ordinances of said board of commis-
Ibid s 23.
To collect
188. The said bailiff may enforce the payment of
corporation taxes in the same manner and with like
effect as collectors of state and county taxes may
enforce the payment of the same.
Ibid. s. 24
Oath of officers.
189. The president of said commissioners and all
other officers of said town, shall before they enter
upon the duties of their respective offices, severally
take the following oath: I do solemnly swear that I
will faithfully execute the office of ———— to the
best of my knowledge and ability, without favor,
affection or partiality.