state under oath that he has so1 resided before he
shall receive the same, and prove such residence by
testimony of a white person under oath.
In force from March 10,1364.
1865, c. 49, s. 4 repeals and re-enacts 1864, c 15, s. 4, as follows:
7. If any soldier, volunteer, or other person
enlisted or mustered into the service, as herein
provided, shall have died or may hereafter die
while in said service, the whole of said bounty, if
the same shall not have been paid previously, or so
much thereof as may remain unpaid at the time of
the death of such person, shall be paid: first, to
his widow, if there be one; second, if there be DO
widow, then to his children equally; third, if he
leave no widow, child or children, then to his
mother ; fourth, if he leave no mother, then to his
father ; if no father, then to his brothers and sisters
equally, and if he leave no brother or sister, then
the same shall revert to the state.
In force from March 15, 1865.
1867, c. 182 amends 1365, c. 49, s. 4, as follows :
1866, o. 49, B. 4
When soldier
dies in service.
8. For all soldiers entitled to the bounty afore-
said who may have died, or who may die after hav-
ing been honorably discharged from the service,
without having received said bounty, the said
bounty shall be paid to the widow if any, or heirs
of such soldiers in the order named in said bounty
.act and the supplements thereto.
In force from March 16, 1867.
1867, c. 156 repeals 1864, c. 15, s. 5.
In force from March 21, 1867.
1867, c. 162
When he is dis-
charged and