1864, c.373 . s.2 enacted the following:
1864, c. 373, B 2.
Deed of manu-
6. The filing with the United States board of
claims for compensation to masters of enlisted slaves
organized in the city of Baltimore, a deed of manu-
mission, as required by the government of the
United States, shall be deemed and taken as a suffi-
cient compliance with the act of 1864, c. 15, s. 3,
requiring such deed to be filed with the proper
authority, provided that such filing be" attested by
the certificate of the clerk of said board, or by the
affidavit of the party filing it.
In force from March 4, 1894.
1864, c. 246 explains the proviso in said act of 1864, c. 15, s. 3, and enacts
as follows:
1804, c. 246, a. I.
Bow volun-
teers credited,
and to whom
bounties paid.
6. All non-resident volunteers enlisting as pro-
vided in said act, shall be entitled to .the bounty
provided thereby, and shall be credited to such
county or city as they may respectively elect, and
the provisions of said act shall apply, and the bounty
thereby offered shall be paid, to all volunteers who
shall have enlisted prior to the first day of March,
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and prior to the
passage of said law, and shall be credited as a part
of the quota of this -state under the late call of the
president of the United States, and where said vol-
unteer is a slave, the bounty shall be paid as pro-
vided by said original act, and the county commis-
sioners of the several counties of this state, and the
corporate authorities of the city of Baltimore, shall
be authorized to offer any additional bounty or to
levy any. taxes for that purpose. No such bounty
shall be paid to any person unless an actual resident
of Baltimore city for six months, before receiving
the same; and every person so claiming said city,
and the several counties of this state bounty, shall