12. Treasurer authorized to pay Proviso.
13. $100 to be paid former owner
U Bounty not to be paid agent or attorney
15. How $300 bounty to be paid
16 State bounty commissioners. Proviso
IT Bonds of Mayor, &c , Baltimore exempt
from taxation.
18. Reports of bounty commissioners
19. No more certificates to be issued under
1864, c. 15
20. Additional £200 bounty.
21. Bounty limited.
22. Treasurer authorized to pay.
23. Comptroller to issue warrant to pay
future interest.
24. How bounty paid when party entitled
25. Provisions extended to all volunteers
and drafted men Proviso.
20. Reports to comptroller
27. Comptroller to examine, Ac
28. To institute suit
29. Duty of judges of courts.
30 Governor to appoint pension commis-
31. Their duties
32. Pension of $80 per annum to soldier or
his widow of war of 1612.
1864, c. 15 enacts the following :
1864, c. 15, s. 1
SEC. 1. The governor is hereby authorized to oner
and pay to every person except negro slaves, as here-
inafter provided, who shall enlist before the first day
of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to serve
for three years, unless sooner discharged, as part of
the quota of this state, in the armies of the United
States, in any of the regiments or batteries raised or
to be raised and organized or mustered into the ser-
vice of the United States, the sum of three hundred
What bounties
governor shall
pay and to
dollars In addition to any bounty allowed or paid by
the government of the United States, whereof the
sum of one hundred and fifty dollars shall be paid at
the time when such person is mustered into the ser-
vice of the United States, twenty dollars at the end
of each month of service, for the five months imme-
diately succeeding such mustering into the service
of the United States, and fifty dollars at the expi-
ration of his term of service, or when such person
is honorably discharged from service.
1864, c. 373, s. 1 enacts the following, supplement to 1864, c. 15,:
1864, c 373. s 1
To whom to be
2. The governor is authorized to offer and pay the
bounties provided by the act of 1864, c. 15, to all
such persons, resident and non-resident, who shall
have enlisted before, the first day of April, eighteen '
hundred and sixty-four, instead of the first day of