proclaimed by the governor of this state, or by the
authority of the legislature thereof, the same shall
be payable on the day next before said Christmas
day, new year's day, fourth day of July, twenty-
second day of February, or day of thanksgiving or
humiliation as aforesaid, unless said next preceding
day shall be Sunday, in which event, said promissory
notes or bills of exchange, shall be payable on. the
Saturday preceding; and it shall not be necessary for
the holders of such bills of exchange or promissory
notes, payable as aforesaid, to give notice of the dis-
honor thereof, until the day/next after said Christmas
day, new year's day; fourth of July, or twenty-second
of February, or day of thanksgiving or humiliation
as aforesaid; and in case said next succeeding day
shall be Sunday, it shall not be necessary for the
'•holders of said bills of exchange and promissory
notes, to give notice of the dishonor thereof, until
the second day next succeeding said christmas day,
new year's day, fourth of July, or twenty-second of
February, or day of humiliation or thanksgiving as
aforesaid; and every such notice so given as afore-
said, shall be valid and effectual to all intents and
In force from March 4,1862.
Bounties and Pensions
1. What bounties governor shall pay and
to whom.
2. To whom to be paid.
3. $326 to be paid and when.
4. $100 to owner of enlisted slave and to .
slave Proviso.
6. Deed of manumission.
G. How volunteers credited and to whom
bounties paid.
7. When soldier dies In service.
8. When he is discharged and dies.
9. Governor to notify county commission-
ers, &c., of number to be dratted.
10. County commissioners, &c , to disburse
11. Who entitled to bounty.