twelve and sixteen shall constitute the second dis-
trict; election districts numbered six, seven, eight,
nine and thirteen shall constitute the third district.
Cecil county shall constitute one assessment district.
Harford county shall be divided into two assessment
districts, whereof election districts numbered two,
five and six shall constitute the first district; and
election districts numbered one, three and four shall
Queen Anne's
Pr George's.
constitute the second district. Queen Anne's county
shall constitute one assessment district. Prince
George's county shall be divided into two assess-
ment districts, whereof election districts numbered
one, two, six and seven shall constitute the first
district ; election districts numbered three, four, five,
eight and nine shall constitute the second district.
Charles county shall be divided into two assessment
districts, whereof election districts numbered one
and three shall constitute the first district; and
election districts numbered two and four shall con-
stitute the second district. Somerset county shall
be divided into three assessment districts, whereof
election districts numbered one, two, three, nine
and thirteen shall constitute the first district; and
election districts numbered four, five, seven, eight,
eleven, fifteen and ten shall constitute the second
district ; and election districts numbered six, twelve
and fourteen shall constitute the third district. Caro-
line county shall constitute one assessment district.
Talbot county shall constitute one assessment dis-
trict. Howard county shall be divided into two
assessment districts, whereof election districts num-
bered one and two shall constitute the first district;
and election districts numbered three, four and five
shall constitute the second district. Montgomery
county shall be divided into two assessment districts,
whereof election districts numbered one, two and
three shall constitute the first district ; and election
districts numbered four and five shall constitute the
St Mary's.
second district. St. Mary's county shall be divided
into two assessment districts, whereof election dis-