four assessment districts, whereof election districts
numbered one, three and ten, shall constitute the
first district; election districts numbered two, nine
and eleven, shall constitute the second district ; elec-
tion districts numbered four, five and eight, shall
constitute the third district; election districts num-
bered six and seven, shall constitute the fourth dis-
trict. Frederick county shall be divided into six
assessment districts, whereof election districts num-
bered one and two shall constitute the first district;
and election districts numbered three, twelve and
fourteen shall constitute the second district; and
election districts numbered four, fifteen and five
shall constitute the third district; and election dis-
tricts numbered six, tea and sixteen shall constitute
the fourth district; and election districts numbered
seven, nine and thirteen shall constitute the fifth
district ; and election districts numbered eight,
eleven and seventeen shall constitute the sixth dis-
trict. Washington county shall be divided into
five assessment districts, whereof election districts
numbered one, two and twelve shall constitute the
first district ; and election districts numbered three,
ten and fifteen shall constitute the second district ;
election districts numbered four, thirteen and five
shall constitute the third district; election districts
numbered six, eight and eleven shall constitute the
fourth district; and election districts numbered
seven, nine and fourteen shall constitute the fifth
district. Worcester county shall be divided into
three assessment districts, whereof election districts
numbered one, two and seven shall constitute the
first district ; election districts numbered three, nine
and ten shall constitute the second district ; election
districts numbered four, five, six and eight shall
constitute the third district. Allegany county shall
be divided into three assessment districts, whereof
election districts numbered one, two, ten, eleven,
fifteen and fourteen shall constitute the first dis-
trict; election districts numbered three, four, five,