draw another name from said box in lieu of the one so released
or excused, which said drawing shall be immediately notified
to the clerk of the Circuit Court of said county, who shall there-
upon issue a summons for said person to serve as a juror as
aforesaid, in the manner by this act directed, and after the draw-
ing of jurors is completed, said box shall be locked and sealed
as hereinbefore directed, and placed in the custody of the Or-
phans' Court aforesaid.
4. It shall be the duty of said clerk of the Circuit Court
aforesaid, immediately upon receiving such list of names, to
issue a summons for the persons whose names are upon such
lists, directed to the sheriff of said county, directing him to
summon the persons whose names are upon said lists, to serve
as jurors at the next succeeding term of said Circuit Court.
5. It shall be the duty of said sheriff, in case of sickness,
death or removal from said county of any of the persons whom
he may be directed to summon as a juror as aforesaid, to report
the same to the said judges, who shall thereupon immediately
draw other names in the manner hereinbefore directed from said
6. In case of the disqualification of jurors during the term
of court, or from any other cause talismen be required, it shall
and may be lawful for the judge of said Circuit Court, to select
from the original list as many names as may be to complete
such jury; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of said county
to summon his talismen from the list furnished as herein
7. The said judges shall select from the list of forty-eight
jurors drawn as herein provided, the names of twenty-three
persons to serve as grand jurors for that term; and said list of
grand jurors shall be furnished to the clerk of said Circuit
Court, and by him recorded among the proceedings of said
Circuit Court, on or before the first day of said term of said
Circuit Court.