name shall be written, as near as may be to resemble each other,
so that the name will not appear, and so folded that they may
not be distinguished from each other, and to place the said
pieces of paper or ballot thus prepared, in a box prepared for
the purpose at the expense of the county, and the box contain-
ing the said ballots shall then be securely locked and sealed up
by the judges of said Orphans7 Court and judge of the Circuit
2. In order to assist said judges of the Orphans' and Circuit
Courts in making the list of names aforesaid, the clerk to the
commissioners of said county shall, on or before the first day of
July next, after the passage of this act, and every second year
thereafter, lodge with the register of wills of said county, a cer-
tified list of taxable male white citizens of each election district
of said county; and the said clerk shall receive such compensa-
tion for his services as the said county commissioners may think
just and proper.
3. The said judges, or some one appointed by them, and in
their presence, within forty days, and not less than twenty days
prior to the commencement of the several terms of the Circuit
Court for said county, shall open the said box in the presence of
the clerk of said Circuit Court, or his deputy, and the register
of wills of said county, and shall draw one by one, forty-eight
names or ballots from said box, for the October and April terms
of said Circuit Court, and twenty-five names or ballots for the
January term thereof, and the persons so drawn shall serve as
jurors at such terms of said Circuit Court for which they were
drawn; and the said clerk of said Circuit Court shall make out
a list of the names of the persons drawn as aforesaid, to serve as
jurors aforesaid, and shall file the same among the records of
his office, and record them among the proceedings of said Cir-
cuit Court; provided, however, that in case any one should be
drawn to serve as jurors as aforesaid, who shall make it appear
to the judge of the Circuit Court, by good and sufficient reasons,
that he cannot attend said term of said court for which he may
be so drawn, it shall and may be lawful for the said judge to re-
lease and excuse the said person so drawn, and thereupon to