to the fret day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty, ond the sureties upon
their official bonds, be and they are hereby released from the payment of the
interest now due on the State's claims against them; provided, that the amounts
duo for the principal of the said claims have been paid or shall be paid into the
treasury on or before the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-five;
and provided further, that the aforesaid parties respectively, or their sureties,
shall pay on or before the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-five,
to the State's Attorneys of the several counties and the city of Baltimore, five
per centum commission on the full amount of the judgments with interest
thereon, recovered by the State against them in the Circuit Courts for the
several counties, and the Superior and Common Pleas Courts of Baltimore city,
And the Sheriff's fees, and all costs which have been incurred by the State in the
prosecution of said claims, the State thereby to bo released from any commis-
sions and costs.
SEC 2. And be it further enacted, That the Comptroller, upon the payment of
the principal due on the aforesaid claims as hereinbefore provided, and all costs,
and upon being satisfied that the commissions to the State's Attorneys and the
Sheriff's fees have been paid as hereinbefore required, shall have the judgments
which have been recorded against the parties or their sureties entered "satisfied, "
and the accounts in the Comptroller's office against any of said parties comply-
ing with the conditions herein prescribed, shall be balanced and entered
In force from March 23, 1865.
Chapter 195 releases the claims of the State against the Collectors, Sheriffs,
and others therein named, and discontinues the suits instituted for the recovery
of the same. In force from March 24, 1865.
Bond, James A., Adm'r of Thomas J. Hutchins, late Sheriff of Calvert
County, authorized to collect fees.................................................. 81
Pennington, Edward, Collector in Cecil County................................ 26
Aged Men's Home, Baltimore United Fire Department authorized to give
its property and effects to.......................................................... 67
Benevolent Society of the United Brethren in Christ, devises and bequests
by John L. Ziegler, deceased, to, made valid................................. 109
Brooks, Chauncy and others, authorized to sell certain lands near Balti-
more City................................................................................ 148