the several Orphans' Courts of this State, upon petition of any
party interested, to appoint an administrator de bonis non with
the will annexed, or to empower the administrator, with the will
annexed previously appointed, to execute the trusts of said will
in the same manner and to the same extent as the executor or
executors appointed by will could or might do.
6. In all cases of sales of real estate heretofore made or
hereafter to be made by any executor or executors, or adminis-
trator de bonis non with the will annexed, and the purchaser or
purchasers shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the terms
of sale, as reported to and ratified by the court, it shall and may
be lawful for the Orphans' Courts of the several counties of the
State and the city of Baltimore, upon the application of such
executor, executors or administrators de bonis non with the will
annexed, to pass an order requiring such purchaser or purchasers
to comply with said terms of sale, or show good cause to the con-
trary, on or before a certain day to be limited in said order, and
upon failure to comply with such terms of sale, or show good
cause to the contrary, on or before the day limited in such order,
it shall and may be lawful for the said Orphans' Courts to order
a re-sale of such real estate at the risk and cost of the purchaser
or purchasers, or to enforce compliance of any orders passed
upon such application by attachment.
7. The Orphans' Courts shall have concurrent jurisdiction
with the several Circuit Courts of the State, so far as to
authorize and direct the sales of real estate of intestates, where
the appraised value of said real estate shall not exceed the sum
of fifteen hundred dollars, and to confirm and ratify said sales
in the same manner as they are now authorized by law to ratify
sales of real estate made by executors under the direction of
wills and testaments.
8. Upon the ratification by said Orphans' Court, the adminis-
trator shall proceed to convey the title of said intestate to said
real estate in the same manner as trustees under the appointment
of said Circuit Courts are now authorized to do, and the said
Orphans' Court may allow the same commissions to any executor