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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly Passed at the Session of 1864
Volume 382, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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1864, CH. 5.] CONVENTION. 69

Governor of the number of ballots cast for and against the call
of a Convention, and of the number of blank ballots cast, and
also of the number of ballots cast for the several persons voted
for as Delegates to said Convention, and in case any organ-
ized military or armed force of the United States shall appear
at the places where the polls shall be held, and shall in-
terfere with said election, unless such military or armed force
shall be called out by the judges of election or other civil
authority charged with the preservation of the peace, the
said judges of election shall, under oath, certify to the Gov-
ernor such unwarranted military interference with said elec-
tion in such election district or precinct, and the Governor
shall immediately thereupon order a new election for Delegates
to said Convention, after ten days notice to be given by the
sheriff as aforesaid in such election district or precinct, and such
new election shall be held and conducted in the manner and
form hereinbefore provided, and the Governor shall order a new
election for Delegates from time to time as often as such illegal
military or armed interference with the election shall be certified
to him as aforesaid, but such order or orders for such new
election or elections shall not interfere with, hinder or delay the
assembling of said Convention as herein provided, if it shall
appear from the count that a majority of all the votes cast in
the election districts and precincts where no such illegal military
or armed interference shall be certified to have taken place, are
in favor of the call of such Convention under this act, the said
judges in the said return shall certify that no organized military
or other armed force had appeared at the place where the polls
had been held and interfered with the said election, unless such
military force shall be called for by the said judges of election
or by other civil authority charged with the preservation of the
peace, and in case of such military interference within any
election district of the counties, or precinct in the city of Balti-
more, to be certified by the judges of election under oath, it
shall be the duty of the Governor to order a new election, after
ten days notice, in said election district or precinct, but such
return and order of a new election shall not interfere with the
assembling of the Convention as herein ; provided, however, that
at least sixty-five members shall be elected according to the


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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly Passed at the Session of 1864
Volume 382, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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